Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat!

Here is Gus and his friend Max (who happens to be our daycare lady's grandson) hamming it up for the camera. As you can see, Gus picked out an Elmo costume this year. Matt and I were trying to persuade him to pick Cookie Monster, but Gus was adamant about Elmo. He had a great time going from house to house with Dad and saying "Trick or Treat" followed by "Thankyou" and "Happy Halloween"... he made out pretty good with the favorite item being two new jars of pladoh.

I had to stay here and give out candy. It was a busy night, but not as busy as it has been in the past.

Leaf Time 2007

We take pictures of Gus playing in the leaves every year. Its harder and harder to make him sit still as he gets older. But he is having so much fun, I don't mind. We have a beautiful maple in our front yard that provides us with ample subject matter (and work).

Hopefully the leaf fairy comes again this year. We raked and bagged our leaves last year- approx. 25-30 XL yard waste bags absolutely full of leaves, and set them in the driveway. When we were away one day, some nice person came and took all the bags, saving us a trip to the dump. The year before, a lady asked if she could have them for compost, and so we have never had to actually haul our yard waste. I am crossing our fingers that our luck will continue this year.

Our Pumpkins

Monday, October 15, 2007

My Guy

Gus came crawling upstairs this morning to coax me out of bed. I pulled him into bed to cuddle for a little while. Dad came in and flipped on the lights. So we ducked under the covers, making a cozy tent. Gus said, "Shh. Its raining!". Then he popped his head out, and then quickly back in and said "Hair is wet!". I love the little adventures we have when we follow Gus's imagination. On Monday mornings in particular, I wish I had all day to imagine and explore with him.