Sunday, June 29, 2008

95 degrees in the shade...

gives us an excuse to let Lucy go topless. She slept like this for a little while.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ice Cream

After dinner last night, we walked down to Hometown for a scoop of ice cream. Gus had his first experience with a cone- absolutely loved it. Lucy snoozed in the sling. It was a beautiful evening, really calm and not too hot.

And yes, we had bath time afterwards.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hi, Cousin

(May on the left, Lucy on the right)

Lucy and Gus finally got to meet May today.

Here are some pics of the girls playing together. This is so much fun! More photos to come...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Party re-cap

Talking to family while opening gifts

Gus loves his new sleeping bag.

My one successful rose plant bloomed on Gus's birthday.

Practicing his swing.

and of course, cake time.

Lucy wasn't sure what to think...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What Lucy has been doing

A picture-heavy post to show her various expressions. (and cute hat and socks- thanks Mrs. WT)

Blue Lake Camp Out

Lola, too darn cute...

Lucy, a little camera shy

Mmm, applesauce.

Two severe cases of bed head.

So this post has very little Lake and a whole lot of Lola, but you can't blame me- she is just too cute.

Uncle Wally and his adorable family met us out at Blue for a camp out. The weather was warm, the skeeters tenacious, and food was excellent.

Someone is Three today

Three years ago (above), and now (below).

Happy Birthday, buddy!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tying the Knot

Congratulations to Aaron and Aunt Molly, who are newly engaged (as of yesterday, in fact). A wedding in the family is always something to look forward to. We are all very happy to hear their exciting news.

The Murphy-O'Brien wedding: Does it get any more Irish than that?


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sandbox Fun

Raking the sand- a very Zen activity

Ah... for a brief moment, the sun comes out.

And a picture of Lucy, of course. Loving the binky.

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Sleeping so sweetly. And she has her Daddy's beefy forearms.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Gus in Action

Playing with a truckload of sand and exhibiting typical almost-3-year-old behavior. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Lucy in Action

This is as exciting as it gets, but of course we think she's captivating.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Fun Weekend

Snuggling with Dad

Hanging with the Fam- good to see you Tim and Kathy

Slingin' it, thanks to Brooke and AC

Running with the Dogs

Fishing Blue Lake