Sunday, February 24, 2008


Gus and I shared a wonderful nap on the couch today. We are both taking up more space these days, so it was pretty cramped, but neither of us minded one bit.

Mom's-eye view:
I took this photo on the "sunset" setting, but I think more appropriately it should have been called "waxing moon" setting, or perhaps "porpoising" (note the empty chocolate pudding dish on the table).

Friday, February 22, 2008

Just for Grandpa Dick and Grandpa Tim.....

A little something we'd all like to get our hands on:

(scroll down to the post about the Leonetti Vertical)

I wonder how the '78 Leonetti would stand up to the '78 Cuvaison? It would be fun to find out.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Deep in thought

It's Time to Potty. Tonight, after his bath, I found Gus deep in thought on the potty. He is doing pretty darn good, we just started the no- diaper thing on Friday and he has really taken to peeing and pooping on the potty. He only had one accident at daycare today. I have some anxiety about the whole thing- but so far, it hasn't been bad at all. Send us some positive potty vibes our way, it can't hurt.

Old Wives Tales

According to the Old Wives Tales, I am having a.................
Boy. by about 70% odds.

The following point to boy:
Basketball shaped belly, Fetal heart rate under 140bpm, ring on string swayed back and forth, craving sour and salty, feet seem colder than usual...

The following point to girl:
Carrying high, craving fruit (grapefruit)...

Not that I put any real faith in these predictions, but they are fun, no?

Friday, February 08, 2008

Some good reading for Caucus Time


Take a look at the baby's sex poll to the right. Hmmm. So far, 65% have voted that we are having a girl. Very interesting... I guess I better post a belly picture soon so more analyzing can happen. Only 14-15 more weeks and we will find out!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Free Elephant Rides

Joe makes it look easy. Two 30+ lb two year olds can be a real handful.

Our annual Super bowl get-together with Joe, Katie, and Reilly, was a blast again this year. Reilly and Gus played so well together. They kept themselves busy with tractors, trains, and race cars. These boys have a lot in common; both are going to be big brothers soon. I think they are up for the challenge. I guess we'll see come March and May...

Saturday, February 02, 2008

And from the Casa de Ugaldea

Grandpa Tim and Grammy Kath are also buried on the South Hill. Good luck to anyone attempting to ring the doorbell.