Thursday, February 22, 2007

Getting Clean

Gus' new favorite position: Tummy-down and kicking. Yes, it gets wet. Maybe I should have a drain in the middle of the bathroom floor put in.

Bath Time= Fun Time

Its our favorite time of the day. Usually after dinner, we get going with the bath/ bedtime ritual around 6:30. I may be sipping a little wine leftover in my glass from dinner, and Matt may be cleaning the kitchen. Gus is pulling me towards the bathroom, excitedly saying "bath" (well its sounds more like "bat"). Even if I have had a hard day, this part always cheers me up. Then there is the chasing him around the house when he is naked. That's fun too, but harder to photograph.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Gus and Reilly, One Year Ago

I was looking at some old pictures, getting a little misty for the days when Gus crawled and rolled and was about 16 pounds lighter. Here are two pictures of Gus and Reilly, exactly one year ago. What a difference a year makes. I will get some new pics on here soon too, I promise.


Monday, February 05, 2007

Gus and Reilly

Gus and Reilly had tons of fun together this weekend. The fresh snow provided a good couple hours of entertainment. Sharing is a difficult concept to grasp, but the two did pretty well together. They are best buds. Gus says "Ry" its pretty cute.