Saturday, October 31, 2009

Boris the Spider

Gus loves the Boris The Spider song by The Who. Lucy loves dancing to it while checking herself out in the mirror.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

She refuses to speak on camera

....but the footage is still extremely cute.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Halloween Ready

The kids are set for Halloween, and as always we strive to get the most bang for our buck with costumes. Gus has not taken his off since we purchased it today. The transformer costume from last year was worn through and had numerous holes in the legs and arms.

I have been a slacker lately on the blog, my apologies for that. It has been such a busy month, I can't believe October is already half way over. I took a new job two weeks ago at Sterling Savings Bank. I am working about 30 hours and it is working out very well. I really love the fast paced environment and my days have just flown by.

Lucy is now 17 months, I can hardly believe that. She is starting to say more words, she says cookie, cracker, juice, cheese, kitty, doggy, and uh-oh.

Gus is enjoying preschool 3 days a week, but really I think he is ready for more. He has a great class this year, 8 boys and 4 girls and the same teacher from last year. They toured the fire hall last week and got to explore the fire engines and push the siren buttons.

H1N1 flu has hit Oroville and Omak and we are washing hands and using the sanitzer like crazy. Our fly fishing trip to the Yakima River is this week and we are bound and determined to not get the flu. period.

That's all for now... I have some cute videos I will post soon.

trick or treat,
