Thursday, August 20, 2009

Night Swim

What's the best way to get the kids thoroughly worn out before bed? A little dip in the pool. Heck, it was still about 84 degrees at this point.

Yay, pool!

I don't remember what was so hilarious, but it was fun.

Time to get out.

Matt is overwhelmed by Lucy's nudie cuteness. She's so cute, it hurts his eyes sometimes.

Time for bed!


Here is Lucy modeling her "new" shoes- hand me downs from Kaycee and Sage. She is really on the go these days, and has the sneakers to help her get there. (And she is teething again, hence the wet rag in her mouth).

Monday, August 17, 2009

15 month stats

Just a quick blog, Lucy had her 15 month well child check up today.

Here are her stats: Head circumference, 18.5 inches (80th percentile) . Weight: 21 pounds, 2 ounces (20th percentile). Height: 29 inches (17th percentile). She is my little pipsqueak.

What's new? She is cutting two new teeth, hitting all her milestones with walking, talking, pointing, exploring, playing. She has such an easy going personality, but will pitch a fit now and then when brother gets in her way. I continue to love this girl more and more each day.

Gus was a very good helper today at the doctor, he helped with the stethoscope and measurement taking, and informed the nurse that Lucy had the hiccups.

Now I need to put Lu-squeal to bed..... More posts to come.