Monday, November 19, 2007

It's time for a Poll

The Question: Boy or Girl?

Please vote. You have over 5 months to vote, and you can vote as often as you like. (on the righthand side of this blog)

We are not finding out the sex with this one either, sorry to all the "planners" in the family, but its one of the only true suprises left in life.

Gus has been saying "Baby Sister"- as of this weekend. I am feeling pretty much the same as I did when I was pregnant with Gus. Queasy for the whole month of October, tired, hungry, yadda yadda yadda. I am really feeling boy, but a part of me thinks, "hmmmm, maybe girl!"


Anonymous said...

Odds are Grampa Dick is trying to stuff the polls.

Shay said...

Yes, Grandpa Dick has his opinion on the matter, doesn't he.