Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Great Weekend

This past weekend we had a wonderful trip to Spokane. It was Lucy's first trip to the "big city" and we celebrated Grammy Kath's birthday and picked up our new tent trailer. It was a great weekend-- especially since cousin May was there, as well as Uncle Ben and Aunt Holli, as well as Cousin Erin and Auntie Miss. L and I will be headed back soon, we love the city...

Cousin time

Erin and Gus practicing their watercolor skills

Lucy (left) and May... my favorite baby girls. Too cute together.

Ah, to nap like this...

I am in serious trouble if we lose this yellow blanket. It is the best swaddling blanket we have right now, and Lucy is using it for naps and night time. Gus used it a ton too, three years ago, so its getting a bit worn. I may have to track a new one down on 'the internets' as we say around our house.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How Cute

About one hour into her afternoon nap today, Lucy wakes up, farts three times really loudly, coos and giggles to herself, and then goes back to sleep.

Occasionally, her daddy does something similar but I don't find it nearly as amusing.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bath Time

Is there anything more scrumptious than a little baby body getting clean in the tub?

I think not.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Put him to work

Gus wanted to "do dishes" today, so I put him to work. And we have already been through 2 outfits today, its only 11 am, so that is why he's hanging in his briefs. Pardon the messy kitchen.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

2 months old-- makes a girl think!

Lucy shocked us all today at her big weigh-in. Her two-month stats are as follows:

Weight: 12 lbs, 6 ounces (7-11 at birth)

Length: 21 3/4 inches (19.5 at birth)

and head Circumference: 15 3/4 inches (14.5 at birth)

This little girl is packing 'em on. She did pretty good for her shots too, after screaming for an intense 20 seconds, she blinked away her tears and was okay. I felt so bad for her little thighs, all bandaged up.

p.s. if you can tell me what actress and what movie "makes a girl think" is from, you get bonus points. Leave a comment if you know...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

O'Brien Family Reunion

This past weekend we had a ball at the OB family reunion camp out. Here are some highlights:

The newly-engaged made the journey from Billings to join us

Gus thouroughly enjoyed the pool

All the O'Brien ladies, photo taken by Matt.

And Uncle Steve puts Lucy in a deep baby-hypnosis.

Lucy is 2 months old today


Baby Girl

... and today, loving the Moby wrap. Check out her Matt-like blue eyes in this picture. Her "frowny face" as I call it looks sooo much like Matt.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Lucy is smiling up a storm these days- loves her big brother, daddy, and momma too. We can't get enough of her grins, she lights up our day to day activities.

Fun Fourth

We had a fun 4th of July this year. John, Edna, Grandpa Tim and Grammy "Kaf" made it up to our neck of the woods for a camp out at Memorial State Park. We lounged by the beach, kayaked, played pinochle, and had the best strawberry margaritas ever. Gus didn't care too much for the fireworks, but loved the Kayak and swimming too. Lucy stayed cool in her sun bonnet.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

When I'm a Grown-up

Gus and I had an interesting conversation in the kitchen today. He was watching me prepare some marinade for steak, and it went something like this.

Gus: "Is that raw?"

"Yes, its raw. Only grown-ups can touch the raw meat. And then we wash our hands, see," I say to him as I wash my hands.

"Oh." He says, with a thoughtful look on his face. "When I am a grown up I am going to touch raw meat. And I am going to be your husband."

"well, no. You will be somebody's husband but not for a very very very long time."