Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Gus has figured out his new scooter in no time and is whizzing around the house at all hours now. He even tried it out in the basement. Darn snow will keep him out of the driveway for a while. I discovered him polishing it with a damp cloth yesterday, so that tells me its his new fave.

Grandpa Dick got a fancy camera - and the photos he is taking on it are just great. I love this pic of my Lulu bean. I can't get enough of her cheeks.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

More Xmas pics

Grandma Connie and Lulu

The tree, as seen from Gus's room.

A Wonderful Christmas

The new fishing game that Lucy gave Gus was a real hit.

Gus and Matt constructing the new HotWheels track.

"Hey Grandpa, all I want for Christmas is my two front (baby) teeth."

What a wonderful Christmas this was. Lucy is in the process of cutting tooth number 5 and 6, so there have been short naps and some crying at night, but other than that she enjoyed her first Christmas. Santa was so good to Gus - he received all sorts of great new toys, clothes, books, a scooter, and a big boy bed as well. Grandpa Dick and Grandma Connie came up Christmas Eve and made it home safely today. It was nice to start some new traditions and happy memories in our home. Now that we have had Christmas here, it feels even more like home to us now.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lucy is 7 months old today!

er, pardon the "glamorous mom look" I have going on, but I love this pic of me and Lulu

What's new with Lucy? A new tooth- yes her quite large upper central cut through the other day. I'll try to get a good picture of it. Her smile is getting toothier by the minute.
She is rolling and scooting everywhere. crawling a bit backwards, I think she'll figure it out soon. Sleeping? Eh, not through the night yet. Still cutting teeth and nursing at night. She naps wonderfully, though. I am savoring her babyhood. They grow too fast, the old cliche is so true.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Who says boys don't nurture?

Gus decided it was nap time for his fleet of dinos. Here are Pinto Bean, Black Bean, and Max (his name choices for them) taking a nice little rest. Check out Gus's meticulous swaddling skills. nice work, bud.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Turkey Day Family Pics

The cousins played very well together. I think I see a bit of Gus and cousin Erin in May's sweet grin.

Lucy had a ball hanging out in May's johnny jump up. (and peeking in on Gus's splashing in the tub).

Great-Granny Nette (Jeannette Ugaldea) made the trip from Winnemucca to see her great grand daughters for the first time. We can't wait to see her again in June. The kids adored her.

Lulu and MayMay had fun in side by side high-chairs.

What a wonderful holiday. We have so much to be thankful for. It's funny... when I think back to last Thanksgiving, Holli and I had no idea that we were both having girls. How lucky we are.