Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Its that time of year....

When I gather the little cherubs around the glowing Christmas tree.... and attempt to photograph them for the Christmas card.

Its always chaos.

Here are some of the "Fail" pics. enjoy. I hope someone gets a kick out of this, I wasn't so happy the other night.

click here for Last Year's Ordeal


Grampa Tim said...

Kath and I vote for #1--it is a perfect Ugaldea Christmas card picture.

Anonymous said...

You just made my night! I am laughing out vote is for #4, though #1 is pretty funny too. I hope you were able to scrap one together!

Aunt Molly

Unky Nope said...

I see Sears in your future.

These are really fun. Number four: "Gus and Lucy just after the reading of the Naughty or Nice list."

Mama Ike said...

indeed, a large "kick" was had. too funny Gus.

Anonymous said...

They weren't all "fails". I hope you can post the winner for all to see. By the way, looking at your Thanksgiving post, is this the only blouse Lucy likes to wear?

Grandpa Dick