Saturday, May 01, 2010

Not-so-Extreme Makeover: Backyard Edition

So after watching Food INC., and visiting our friends with chickens..... we jumped on the bandwagon and are Pollo Loco. Matt and Tim framed out a Chichen Paradise.. a nice coop for our 6 hens. We have 3 Golden Comets, 2 Barred Rocks, and 1 New Hampshire Red in the basement right now, under a warming lamp. They are tiny and cute and they poop everywhere. I will post more pics of the gals later. For now, enjoy the mini backyard makeover pics. We expanded the garden area to make a bigger veggie and flower garden.

1 comment:

Grampa Tim said...

Cheap help looks like. It was fun doing. can't wait to see the completed project and eat the fresh eggs.