Sunday, October 03, 2010


Its hard to believe September has come and gone so fast and now we are thinking about pumpkins and costumes. The weeks seem to pass even quicker with Gus now in kindergarten. He goes to school all day everyday and really loves the whole thing. We are grateful to have a good school and an awesome teacher for Gus.

The biggest news lately is the arrival of Uncle Ben and Aunt Holli's baby, Ash Nelson. He was born on the 30th and the kids are so excited to have another cousin.

Here are some photos from the month of September for you to enjoy:

Gus's first day of school: Yes, he got on the bus and I cried. I have no idea where the last 5 years went.

Matt enjoys packing Gus's lunch.
Kiddos coloring. Gus has homework every night and Lucy has to do whatever he is doing.

Monster egg! This double yolker was freakishly large. The chickens are producing 3 eggs a day so that makes 3 out of five that are laying..

Gus and Matt went fishing yesterday.

1 comment:

Grampa Tim said...

Been missing my fix!