Friday, October 06, 2006

I am Walking, Everyone!

It's official. Gus started walking last night. 15.5 months and counting... But I really wasn't worried. Just waiting anxiously for the moment. He is just an easy going, laid-back kinda guy, and has never been eager to get moving. Happy where put, so to speak.

Matt and I caught the excitement on our digital camera which also takes movies, so I am hoping to successfully upload a link for you all to view.

This picture is of Gus up in the Okanagan (Canada) wine country, at Iniskillin Winery. No, that is not wine around his lips. Its cherry juice.



Anonymous said...

I think I read in Dan's baby book that he didn't start to walk until 16 months

Anonymous said...

Hi wonderful loving excellent parents!!
Hoooorray!! Goin Gus!
Thanks for sharing all your joy! He is something to be very proud of. You are all the greatest!!
Love, Janie