When Lucy was born, she weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces. At two days old, she had dropped to 7 pounds 6 ounces- most babies lose some weight right away. Yesterday at her 5 day old weigh-in, she tipped the scales at 8 pounds even.
She has been sleeping a ton, but when her eyes are open we all get so excited. She has such gorgeous dark blue eyes.
When I put Gus to bed at night, now I have one more person to read to. She seems to like story time just as much as he does. And he thinks it is so fun to have her laying in bed next to him for a bit each evening.
Look at those cheeks! A few pounds there no doubt. What a great, as Gramma Ugaldea used to say, phamilia.
cute, cute, cute!
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