Friday, February 20, 2009

Back from the Doctor's

We just got back from Lucy's 9 month check up. She is 17 pounds, 14 ounces. 26 and 3/4 inches long, and her head is 17.5 inches around. Little girl! She is only at about the 28th percentile for size.

When Gus was 9 months, he was 21lbs, 30.5 inches long with a 19.5 inch head. Yikes!

All is well besides a little bit of redness in one ear. Cross your fingers for us that this is not the beginning of ear infection bonanza 2009. Gus had about a bazillion ear infections when he was a baby and we got tubes in his ears when he was just shy of 2 years old. I don't wish to travel down that road ever again.

Now its nap time and I should be doing laundry or something....

1 comment:

the o's said...

shay i haven't been to your blog in awhile... your kids are adorable! i need to link yours to mine so i can see whenever you post a new one. hope you're doing well!