Monday, June 29, 2009

1741 miles later.......

What a wonderful road trip we had. From Oroville to Winnemucca and back. We made a big loop around 4 beautiful states. I have so many photos, I'll be blogging in installments for weeks, it seems.

Here is a view on the drive from Winnemucca out to Paradise Valley.

PV is where Matt's great grandparents homesteaded and the home is still in the family. We spent Father's day out there and had a great time. The best thing about PV is all the Basque people. You definitely feel at home with all the Gavikas, Echeverrias, Monteberris, Ochoas, and Eigeruns running around. Picons (the Basque cocktail that will knock you on your socks- ask Uncle Ben) are flowing at the Paradise Valley Salloon.

Matt hob nobbing with the Bascoes and Cousin Tim after his first Seven and Seven.
Below, Katy and Ben enjoying a Picon.

Babies are welcome in the Paradise Valley Salloon. It's a one of a kind place that has its own set of rules. Lucy took a nap under a large Elk head.

......more to come.

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