Wednesday, June 17, 2009

4 Years Old!

Happy Birthday to Gus! Here are some fun photos of him on past birthdays (or very close). I can't believe how much he has grown and changed in four short years. In some ways, it has been a whirlwind and gone quickly, in others, well we have done so much it has been a long journey. From trains and trucks to tractors and now: insects! We can't wait to see what adventure is around the next bend.

Gus at two weeks old, yes he was a darling (large) blond baby boy.

Here is Gus playing in the sprinkler the week of his 1st birthday. Not walking yet, but loves to crawl around and explore the backyard.

Gus at two (with a darling kitten). This was the day of or before his b-day. We celebrated in Winnemucca Nevada, and had a blast.

Gus at three. He had a very new baby sister and was adjusting well.

And our big kid 4 year old! (looking for bugs in this photo, as usual).


Grampa Tim said...

What a fun four years for us.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful view!

Gus is a great young man.
